YUMBI Gateway Docs 0.2 Help

Orders API

YUMBI Gateway Orders API enables integrators to manage the lifecycle of an order, from receipt (via webhook notifications) to acceptance or rejection based on operational criteria. This API offers endpoints for real-time order updates, retrieval of detailed order information, and order status updates.

This diagram shows the workflow for handling orders through the YUMBI Gateway API.

IntegratorIntegratorWebhook ServiceWebhook ServiceAPI ServerAPI ServerWebhook Notificationalt[Webhook Success]Event notification including order_id[In Case Webhook Not Received]GET /ordersQuery orders by status and dateFetch Order DetailsGET /orders/{order_id}Order details responseDecision ProcessCheck with storeto accept or rejectAccept or Reject Orderalt[Accept Order]POST /orders/{order_id}/acceptOrder accepted response[Reject Order]POST /orders/{order_id}/rejectOrder rejected response
Last modified: 05 August 2024