YUMBI Gateway Docs 0.2 Help

Get Order Details

GET method/orders/{order_id}

Fetches an order with all details.

Request parameters


{ "id": "b80bb774-0288-3da1-b201-890375a60c8f", "display_id": "example", "external_order_id": "example", "channel_order_id": "example", "current_state": "created", "type": "pick_up", "store": { "name": "example", "id": "example", "external_store_id": "example", "channel_store_id": "example", "brand_id": "example", "external_brand_id": "example", "channel_brand_id": "example", "external_data": "example" }, "customer": { "first_name": "example", "last_name": "example", "phone": "example", "id": "example", "delivery": { "location": { "type": "street_address", "street_address": "example", "address_detail": "example", "latitude": 88.0, "longitude": 35.0, "unit_number": "example", "business_name": "example" }, "notes": "example" } }, "charges": { "total": 28, "sub_total": 59, "tax": 3, "delivery_fee": 75, "tip": 43, "total_amount_due": 16, "amount_due_collection_type": "pay in store" }, "discounts": [ { "external_discount_id": "example", "value": 21, "name": "example" } ], "payments": [ { "id": "example", "amount": 96, "payment_date": "1986-11-13T21:10:04Z", "channel_reference": "example", "method": "card", "description": "example" } ], "items": [ { "id": "example", "instance_id": "example", "name": "example", "external_data": "example", "quantity": 49, "price": { "unit_price": 34, "total_price": 78 }, "selected_items": [ {} ], "special_instructions": "example" } ], "requested_for_time": "1984-06-22T09:01:13Z", "system_instructions": "example", "channel": "yumbi-web", "created_date": "2018-02-03T12:20:26Z" }
{ "error": "example" }
{ "error": "example" }


Delivery order

Order Summary


    • Size: Standard (23cm) (R 61.90)

    • Pizza Base: Original

    • Cheese: Single Extra Cheese (R 11.90)

    • Extras: Extra Toppings & Sauces

      • Single Toppings and Sauces: Fresh Avocado (R 8.90)

    • Special Instructions: Edges should be crispy

Order Total: R 165.40

  • Delivery orders have the following:

    • Delivery Address

    • Delivery Instructions

    • Delivery Fee

    • Driver Tip

    • Delivery order type

{ "id": "0000a9af-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "display_id": "0000a", "external_order_id": "43439", "channel_order_id": "43439", "current_state": "created", "type": "delivery_by_restaurant", "store": { "name": "Test Two", "id": "8301", "external_store_id": "8301", "channel_store_id": "8301", "brand_id": "417", "external_brand_id": "Debonairs", "channel_brand_id": "417" }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "phone": "+27821234567", "id": "225912", "delivery": { "location": { "type": "street_address", "street_address": "1 Test Street", "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "unit_number": "" } } }, "charges": { "total": 8270, "sub_total": 8270, "tax": 1016, "delivery_fee": 0, "tip": 0, "total_amount_due": 8270, "amount_due_collection_type": "card on delivery" }, "discounts": [], "payments": [], "items": [ { "id": "65226", "instance_id": "65226", "name": "BBQ CHICKEN", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65227", "instance_id": "65227", "name": "Standard (23cm)", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 6190, "total_price": 6190 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65228", "instance_id": "65228", "name": "Original", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 } }, { "id": "65229", "instance_id": "65229", "name": "Single Extra Cheese", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 1190, "total_price": 1190 } }, { "id": "65230", "instance_id": "65230", "name": "Extra Toppings & Sauces", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65231", "instance_id": "65231", "name": "Fresh Avocado", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 890, "total_price": 890 } } ] } ] } ] } ], "requested_for_time": "2024-05-07T08:07:31.2470442+02:00", "channel": "yumbi-web" }
  • Collect orders have the following:

    • Pick up order type

{ "id": "0000a9af-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "display_id": "0000a", "external_order_id": "43439", "channel_order_id": "43439", "current_state": "created", "type": "pick_up", "store": { "name": "Test Two", "id": "8301", "external_store_id": "8301", "channel_store_id": "8301", "brand_id": "417", "external_brand_id": "Debonairs", "channel_brand_id": "417" }, "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Smith", "phone": "+27821234567", "id": "225912" }, "charges": { "total": 8270, "sub_total": 8270, "tax": 124050, "delivery_fee": 0, "tip": 0, "total_amount_due": 8270, "amount_due_collection_type": "pay in store" }, "discounts": [], "payments": [], "items": [ { "id": "65226", "instance_id": "65226", "name": "BBQ CHICKEN", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65227", "instance_id": "65227", "name": "Standard (23cm)", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 6190, "total_price": 6190 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65228", "instance_id": "65228", "name": "Original", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 } }, { "id": "65229", "instance_id": "65229", "name": "Single Extra Cheese", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 1190, "total_price": 1190 } }, { "id": "65230", "instance_id": "65230", "name": "Extra Toppings & Sauces", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 0, "total_price": 0 }, "selected_options": [ { "id": "65231", "instance_id": "65231", "name": "Fresh Avocado", "quantity": 1, "price": { "unit_price": 890, "total_price": 890 } } ] } ] } ] } ], "requested_for_time": "2024-05-07T08:06:16.6458167+02:00", "channel": "yumbi-web" }
Last modified: 05 August 2024