YUMBI Gateway Docs 0.2 Help

Upsert Stores

The Upsert Stores endpoint allows integrators to bulk update stores by their external IDs. This operation supports inserting new stores or updating existing stores based on the provided data.

PUT method/stores/external/{delete_missing}

Request parameters

[ { "external_id": "example", "external_brand_id": "example", "external_menu_id": "example", "external_name": "example" } ]


{ "status": "Stores updated successfully" }
{ "error": "example" }
{ "error": "example" }

Delete Missing Stores

The delete_missing flag is an optional parameter that specifies whether stores not included in the request body should be deleted.

When set to true, any stores that are not listed in the request body will be deleted. When set to false or omitted, stores not included in the request body will remain unchanged.


  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example Request URL: PUT /stores/external?delete_missing=true

Last modified: 05 August 2024